House Passes FAA Reauthorization: Rep. Van Drew Ensures FAA Technical Center Remains Permanently in South Jersey - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网

House Passes FAA Reauthorization: Rep. Van Drew Ensures FAA Technical Center Remains Permanently in South Jersey

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Washington, DC – Last month, Congressman Van Drew, Vice Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, announced that the 2023 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization bill, the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act, passed through committee containing his amendment that ensures the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center remains permanently located in South Jersey. Today, the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act, one of the strongest FAA reauthorization bills that has come to the floor, passed the House of Representatives.

Click here or the photo below to watch my remarks on House passage.

Remarks as prepared for delivery: 

“Today, the House of Representatives passed the FAA Reauthorization. This is a strong FAA bill for South Jersey and for the United States of America. 

“I am very proud to say that this bill places South Jersey’s FAA Technical Center under the protection of statutory law. Through this FAA bill, Congress is writing our Technical Center into the United States Code. 

“To everyone back home: this means that the FAA Technical Center will be permanently located in South Jersey. It will be independent and protected from future reorganizations. 

“This new era for the Technical Center brings a new name: The William J. Hughes Technical Center for Advanced Aerospace. 

“We will be bringing more research, more jobs, and more businesses into the Technical Center’s Campus and into South Jersey. 

“This bill also includes major portions of my proposal to modernize the organizational structure of the FAA. 

“First, we are standing up a new Office to help regulate emerging technologies. 

“Then we are designating an FAA Deputy Administrator as the leader on the important task of new entrant integration. 

“These policies will strengthen the FAA, make our nation more prosperous, and open the path for a new generation of aviation technology. Unleashing these new technologies is critical in our economic battle with the Chinese Communist Party. 

“This bill includes many other wins. 

“We will be establishing new training and aircraft design standards to help individuals with disabilities use airlines with dignity. 

“The bill also introduces a new intermodal pilot program that will help us travel between the Atlantic City and Philadelphia Airports by shuttle and will generate revenue for our Atlantic City International Airport.

“This very strong FAA reauthorization delivers for South Jersey and for the United States of America. I am proud to have gotten this done, and there is much more to come.” 


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